Meet your 2025 Gundie Award Winners

And your Winners are:

Breakout Creator of the Year:  @MountainsMulletsMerica 

Firearm Instructor of the Year:  Clint Smith of @thunderranch4466 

Top Voices of the 2A:  @TheFourBoxesDiner 

Most Dapper Influencer:  @whatthekicks 

Top 2A Writer: Massad Ayoob

Most Innovative Brand of the Year:  @Woox 

Photo of the Year:  @babyyota 

Best Shooter:  @hunter-constantine 

Most Likely to Survive the Apocalypse:  @sootch00 

Most Entertaining Content Creator:  @RunkleOfTheBailey 

Most Influential Male of the Year: Steve Ostrem of  @brownells 

Best Outdoorsman:  @RonSpomerOutdoors 

Emerging Brand of the Year:  @ShadowSystemsCorp 

Most Influential Female of the Year:  @juliegolob 

Video of the Year:  @BallisticHighSpeed 

Podcast of the Year:  @ShawnRyanShow 

Philanthropic Award Winner:  @GunsGadgets 

King of the Hill:  @BrandonHerrera 

Influencer of the Year:  @HonestOutlawReviews 

Our Sponsors:

Title Sponsor:  @PalmettoStateArmoryVideos 

Red Carpet Pre-Show Sponsor:  @eotechinc 

Grand Prize Winner Sponsor:  @wethepeopleholsters 

Category Sponsors:

 @PalmettoStateArmoryVideos ,  @brownells ,  @ccwsafe ,  @AvantLink , Forge Relations,  @wethepeopleholsters ,  @FirearmsPolicyCoalition ,  @Gallowtechnologies ,  @GunOwnersofAmerica ,  @GunBrokerDotCom , Guntology,  @HenryUSA ,  @HookBarrelMagazine , Monadnock Firearms, PatchOps, Persistent Systems,  @RitonOptics ,  @SilencerShop ,  @StopBoxUSA ,

Presentation Sponsors:

Armanet & Patriot Mobile

Additional Sponsors:

Accu-Tac, Armed & Successful, Beretta, Chisel Machining, Drive Tanks, Echelon Energy, Ergo Grips, Genesis Arms, GOON Tape, KCI-USA, Mad Pig Customs, Otis Technology, Otter Text, Ronin Armory, Utah Airguns