What is the Gundies?

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Our Mission: Celebrating the Firearms and 2A Community

The Gundies Awards were created with a simple but meaningful purpose: to celebrate the individuals, creators, and brands that use their 1st amendment to fight for the 2nd. Since our first awards ceremony, we’ve strived to provide a platform where voices across the industry can be recognized and celebrated for their creativity, advocacy, and innovation.

At our core, we believe the Gundies are more than just an awards show—they’re a celebration of the passionate community that stands behind the Second Amendment. From competitive shooters to advocates, from outdoor enthusiasts to meme creators, the Gundies shine a spotlight on everyone who contributes to the firearms space in positive and impactful ways.

The Origin Story: From The Office to a Community Celebration

The Gundies were inspired by an unlikely source: the Dundie Awards from the hit TV show The Office. In the show, Michael Scott created the Dundies as a quirky and lighthearted way to recognize his coworkers. That playful spirit resonated with the team behind the Gundies, Forge Relations, and we thought, “Why can’t the firearms industry have something similar?”

What started as a fun, tongue-in-cheek nod to the Dundies has evolved into something much larger and more meaningful. The Gundies have grown into a full-scale awards show that highlights the creativity, talent, and impact of the firearms and 2A community. Today, the Gundies are not only a celebration but also a platform for advocacy, education, and giving back.

 For the Community, By the Community

The Gundies are built on a foundation of community involvement. Each year, nominations, voting, and feedback come directly from the people we aim to celebrate—you. This collaborative approach ensures that the Gundies evolve to reflect the voices of our supporters.

We also recognize that supporting the firearms community means more than just hosting an awards show. That’s why we go the extra mile to protect the integrity of the Gundies. We are committed to:

  • Protecting voter privacy: We have never sold—and will never sell—voter data to any sponsor or third party.
  • Celebrating inclusivity: From small content creators to major influencers, every voice has a place at the Gundies.

Our Mission is simple: to positively impact our industry by fostering connection, recognition, and growth within the firearms community.

Giving Back: Supporting Charities and Organizations

Beyond celebrating our community’s achievements, the Gundies are committed to giving back. Each year, we partner with organizations that align with our mission to support and uplift the 2A community. These include:

Special Operations Wounded Warriors (SOWW)

A nonprofit dedicated to providing therapeutic and support programs for wounded veterans, SOWW holds a special place in our hearts. Proceeds from each ticket sales to the Gundies help fund service dogs and other critical resources for veterans, ensuring they have the support they deserve.

Learn more SOWW here.

Gun Owners of America (GOA)

As staunch defenders of the Second Amendment, Gun Owners of America fights tirelessly to protect the rights of responsible gun owners. By supporting GOA, the Gundies contribute to ongoing advocacy efforts that safeguard the freedoms we cherish.

Learn more about GOA here.

Why the Gundies Matter

The Gundies are more than an awards ceremony—they’re a celebration of the values that make the firearms community special. Those Creators and Brands who’ve won a Gundie Award have earned them through years of hard work, and we celebrate that. They’re about:

Elevating voices: Showcasing creators and brands who use their platforms for education, advocacy, and entertainment.

Creating connections: Bringing together people from all parts of the industry to share stories, celebrate achievements, and build relationships.

Inspiring action: Encouraging the 2A community to engage in meaningful causes, support each other, and make a difference.

We’re proud to host the Gundies, but the real stars are the individuals and organizations who make this community what it is. Whether you’re a voter, a nominee, a sponsor, or simply a supporter, you are part of the story that continues to shape the Gundies into something truly remarkable.


Learn More